CENTRACHEM AG - Wir arbeiten für unsere Kunden. In der chemischen Industrie, der Kunststoffindustrie und für die Coatings Industrie. Für viele Anwendungen haben wir das richtige Produkt in der richtigen Qualität. - Welches Produkt interessiert Sie?

Glykolsäure - Product Specifications

• IUPAC name:
Glycolic Acid

• Appearance:
Nearly colourless liquid

• Specification:

Total acid as Glycolic Acid 69.0 - 71.0%
Free Glycolic Acid 59.0 - 63.0%
Sodium Chloride max. 10.0 %
Methoxyacetic Acid not present 1)

1) Due to our production process and the used raw materials no formation of methoxyacetic acid is to anticipate. In all analytical efforts by extemal accredited labs no methoxyacetic acid could be detected in our product ('H-NMR; detection limit: 10 mg/kg)

• Applications:
- Leather & fur industry (eg pH adjustment, masklng agent);
- Industrial, electronic and household cleaners (e.g. masonry, transportation equipment, stainless steel, process equipment, household and institution al cleaner systems);
- Metal processing (eg surface treatment);
- Agro industry (e.g. nitrophenyl ether herbicides);
- Oil and water flow enhancers (pH-control);

• Shelf-life:
720 days, if stored in rubber lined containers or in drums with a PE liner

• Packaging :
250 kg drum; 1250 kg container

• IUPAC name:
Glycolic Acid

• Appearance:
Clear liquid , free of foreign matter

• Specification:

Total acid as Glycolic Acid 70.0 - 71.0%
Free Glycolic Acid 63.0 - 66.0%
Sodium Chloride max. 0.1 %
Formic Acid rnax . 20 mg/kg
Methoxyacetic Acid not present 1)
Formaldehyde max. 5 mg/kg
lron max. 3 mg/kg
Heavy metals (as lead) max. 4 mg/kg
Pt-Co scale (Hazen/APHA) max. 20

1) Due to our production process and the used raw materials no formation of methoxyacetic acid is to anticipate. In all analytical efforts by extemal accredited labs no methoxyacetic acid could be detected in our product ('H-NMR; detection limit: 10 mg/kg)

• Applications:
- In personal care (skin care and hair care products) as the premium Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA);
- Production of resolvable poylmers for medical applications;

• Shelf-life :
720 days, if stored in rubber lined containers or in drums with a PE liner

• Packaging:
25 kg drum; 70 kg drum; 250 kg drum; 1250 kg container

• IUPAC name:
Glycolic Acid

• Appearance:

• Specification:

Total acid as Glycolic Acid min. 99.0 %
Free Glycolic Acid min. 95.0 %
Water max. 1.0 %
Sodium Chloride max. 0.015 %
Formic Acid rnax . 20 mg/kg
Methoxyacetic Acid not present 1)
Formaldehyde max. 2 mg/kg
lron max. 2 mg/kg
Heavy metals (as lead) max. 2 mg/kg

1) Due to our production process and the used raw materials no formation of methoxyacetic acid is to anticipate. In all analytical efforts by extemal accredited labs no methoxyacetic acid could be detected in our product ('H-NMR; detection limit: 10 mg/kg)